Saturday, January 01, 2011

Facing Fear: Zac Smith Story

Funny on a day of new life (New Years Day), this video struck a chord with me. Maybe it was because he was a Dad with small kids. Maybe because he faced death at such a young age (33). Maybe with the start of a new year, it is a good reminder for me to savor every moment with my children. My mind has been consumed in the past months on another child in my life, my 6 month old niece. I am honored to look into her glorious eyes and witness her cheerful smile. I had the privilege to feed her (before she had a feeding tube) and hold her for an entire afternoon. This was one of the most wonderful yet difficult things I have ever done.

This video resonates with me by how Zac handled impending death. I wonder how my niece sees the world. I wonder how my Dad looked at the world prior to his death. I wonder if I could be strong in the face of death. Can I still give Glory to God through word and action? Could I be that strong?

Thank you God for giving me my niece. She is a living testimony (like Zac) that there is precious life through suffering.

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